Links & Data Protection

Here are links to people, companies and organisations that I visit regularly or want you to know about.

Cycling Scotland have responsibility for key elements of the Scottish Government Cycling Action Plan target for 10% of all journeys by bike in Scotland by 2020. Decide for yourself on success or otherwise.

This is the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland - CAPS.

The website/blog of Brian Palmer, the best dressed and best equipped cyclist on any of the Scottish islands: The Washing Machine Post.

SUSTRANS, who have provided a national cycle network throughout the UK.

St John Street Cycles make Thorn bikes, many equipped with Rohloff hubs. Click here to share your views or find out more.

The man who cuts his own wood, warms himself twice. Click here for Arbtalk and my supplier when I can't scavenge enough is Dunerarn Logs.

Cycle Fix is a network of mobile bike mechanics. If I cannot get to you because you live too far away, find a fellow pro bike mechanic offering a similar service at fair prices, closer to you.

Alongside my City and Guild in Bicycle Maintenance, I have other qualifications I am very proud of. Among them, Modern Studies at O and Higher Grades. This gave me a superb initial grounding in who gets what and why in our complicated human society. I have a pal who teaches it an we both know that this is THE resource for anyone teaching or studing it.

Data protection

In line with (2018) new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) I would like to reassure all my clients of how I use your personal data: